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北上广不相信眼泪 于德伟_点击查阅!新闻早班车人民日报!为你语音读报!

作者:admin  来源:  阅读:415







  Due to the task of the school, some of my classmates and I 仕德伟有限公司made an appointment to work as volunteers in sanleting on a day of winter vacation. Early in the morning, we gathered in sanleting. Because there were a lot of people that day, we just did some light work such as moving New Year cakes. We can also joke with our classmates while working. Later, some people came to have breakfast, and we had more work. My classmates and I were assigned to the dishwashing place. At first, some people complained about the water ice and the dirty bowl. But with several big boys taking the lead, everyone stopped talking and put their hands into the cold water without hesitation.

  Time slipped along with the running water for washing dishes. There were fewer and fewer people. When my hands were numb with cold, we finally wiped the last batch of dishes. After placing the bowls, I really felt the pain in 乌鲁木齐伟德健身公司 my waist and legs. My hands were cold and a little greasy. I was so tired that I wanted to sit all the time and never get up again. As soon as I got home, I immediately fell on the bed to make up for my sleep.

  Fortunately, being a volunteer only takes one vacation. In the summer vacation, I came to sanleting again.

  It was past breakfast time, so I helped pour lodging tea. However, there is also a stress on the Kung Fu of pouring Fu tea. There should be a batch of warm, cold and hot tea. You should pour the freshly cooked Fu tea into small cups one by one with a large spoon, wash and scald the cups. Still have to stand and tell the tea drinker: "these are cold, these are hot, and there is warm." after drinking the cup, please put it here... "He was also thirsty. He drank three cups of Fu tea. At noon, the sun shone in through the tree gap and through the screen. It was very hot, but he still had to stand and repeat the cycle of Fu tea, washing the cup and pouring down the tea, As soon as I finished, I wanted to get into the air-conditioned room.

  Tired, it's really tired. I'm a middle school student who can't work in just a few hours. How do those grandparents in sanleting stick to it day by day? I am a little surprised, but they are really beautiful workers. They are not for money, fame and wealth. They just want to provide people with a mouthful of hot rice and a bowl of herbal tea. All they want is a warm smile and sincere thanks.




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